Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Welcome to JNJ Network! Please read these Terms of Service carefully before making a purchase on our webstore. By completing payment transactions, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Perks may be modified, added, or removed in the future as we update the server. Server rules apply to all players who purchase on the JNJ Webstore. Please note that not following these rules may result in temporary or permanent bans from the server, regardless of the amount spent on the store.

Purchased goods may take a few minutes to process. Please ensure that you are online on the appropriate server to receive your purchased goods.

By completing payment transactions, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You are over the age of 18 and/or have parental permission to make the purchase.
  • You are the owner and/or have authorization to use the payment account to complete the purchase.
  • We have the right to deny your purchase if we believe that you are providing false information or have suspicions of fraud.

Refund Policy

All purchases are final. Refunds are not allowed and will not be given in any circumstances. Issuing a chargeback or claiming refunds is a violation of our terms of services and will result in the loss of your purchased product and a permanent ban from JNJ Network.


We are not affiliated with Mojang AB in any way. All payments and purchases go directly to JNJ Network. Any reference to Minecraft or Mojang AB is solely for the purpose of identifying the game and its developer.